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With the right personal fitness training… you could

…“Gain the Body of Your Dreams in Half the Time and Improve Success by 30% to 50% in Everything You Do”

How? By getting one-on-one attention from a former two-time veteran of U.S. Navy SEAL Training – now a Natural Bodybuilding and Mental Training Expert wanting to share his fitness secrets with YOU

Before and After HardBody Success
BEFORE                    AFTER
Scott Abbett

From: Scott Abbett

Dear Friend,

Would you like to discover little-known secrets to getting and keeping a great body? How would you like to know that your body can get stronger, leaner, and more muscularly shapely as each day, week, month, and year passes?

Even better, while most people get flabby and soft with age – YOU can get more youthfully muscular and lean.

Better still, what would it mean to you if this information helps create a more exciting and successful life for you?

Sound too good to be true? It’s definitely not. These things have happened for me and I want to share with you what I’ve learned as we work together one-on-one. With my unique personal fitness training sessions – you will finally

  • Add muscle and strength to your body in whatever amount you want.

  • Shed body fat and keep it off for good.

  • Gain incredible cardiovascular health.

  • Improve your mental strength as you make gains to your body.

  • Gain incredible motivation so that you become unstoppable.

  • Grab more success in everything you do as this physique coaching “spills over” to improve all areas of your life.

You can gain all this when you get a personal trainer who combines mental and physical techniques synergistically.

Why Most “Personal Fitness Trainers” cannot help you
‘Improve Your Body’

My name is Scott Abbett. I’ve been involved in fitness and body improvement since I was in my teens. Now I’m in my mid forties – so I’ve got lots of experience. I’ve been in elite condition and I’ve been in terrible shape. Guess you could say my experience has run the gamut when it comes to fitness and body improvement.

Frankly, I’m mad as hell about what I see in this industry. There are people paying their hard-earned money for “personal trainers” and they’re getting ripped off. They end up wasting precious time. They drain their bank account paying someone who simply tells them what exercises to do and counts repetitions for them. That’s a travesty.

Why does this happen? How come so many people hiring ‘personal fitness trainers’ get nothing more than a “professional repetition counter?”

I think one reason is steroids. As soon as these drugs came on the bodybuilding and fitness training scene – things became distorted and good knowledge went out the window.

Let me explain: I’ve been in the bodybuilding and fitness industry for twenty-five years. I’ve seen countless people who have built their bodies using anabolic steroids. Many of them never learned how to build muscle naturally (without steroids). But that doesn’t stop them from cashing in. After getting an impressive appearance, they decide to “sell” that presentation by starting a personal training business. Nothing’s wrong with that; I’m all for people starting businesses.

But there IS something wrong with a discord in knowledge that can hamper a client’s progress. Most people who hire a personal trainer are naturals – they don’t use steroids. Yet they hire trainers who never learned to build their own bodies without steroids.

How do I know this?

I’m familiar with these trainers personally. I’ve been around some of them for decades. I’ve watched their formerly muscular bodies deteriorate as more time goes by since they’ve used those drugs.

In fact, I’ve noticed two categories of personal trainers who likely will be nothing more than ‘professional repetition counters’ for their clients:

  • Trainers who built their bodies with steroids

  • Trainers whose bodies you would NOT want to see in posing trunks under a bright fluorescent light. They’re not in shape.

If they can’t build their own body without drugs – how can they help you build YOUR body?

And… for those who never built a very impressive body themselves – where will they get the know-how to help you?

“...It's actually fun, and I'm not completely exhausted all the time trying to force my body into shape.

I tear it down in the gym and it just grows bigger on it's own! And I used to think if I didn't go to the gym every day that I would lose size, like a deflating balloon, but I go to the gym less often now, and when I go to wash my hands at the sink and look in the mirror it's like "HOLY SH*T who's arms are you wearing?!" It's a pretty cool feeling to actually see some progress in the mirror, and at the same time be able to actually lift my arms to take off a shirt or brush my teeth or whatever cause they aren't perpetually obliterated from being overworked. It almost feels like cheating, ‘cause my muscles keep getting bigger but I'm not tired or sore!

Like so many other examples of people your system has worked for, this book actually works, and it's probably one of the best 40 bucks I ever spent.

Keep sending emails too, I see one in the inbox and it makes me want to go work out by default!"

Seth Young
Killeen, Texas

When You Want Exciting Results, You Need a Trainer Who has Walked a Mile in Your Shoes – then made the Breakthrough

Many people never get the body they want because they are following the same old tired-out information that is useless for nearly everyone.

Worse, a lot of well-intentioned individuals are forking over their money on personal trainers who are instructing them with this same lousy, one-size-fits-all information.

You don’t have to be one of those who often resemble the blind being led by the blind. You can experience fitness training routines that are custom and elite. You can get the feeling of pride in knowing you have your own trainer who provides techniques that are a cutting edge above those used by your associates and peers.

… And this is something I can Guarantee.

“How?”… You ask.

At the risk of sounding braggadocio – I’m not your average personal trainer. I’ve got tons of practical experience behind me. I’ve battled against lousy fitness and bodybuilding genetics when building my own body. I’ve never touched a steroid or other bodybuilding drug in my life. I’ve been fat and frustrated. In short – I’ve probably walked a mile in your shoes. And yet…

… I’m in the best shape of my life at 45 years old

Even more unusual…

…This keeps getting easier for me as I get older

That last thing is counter-intuitive. But when you realize how lost many people (including trainers) are in their workout techniques, an incredible revelation will occur to you. This revelation will give you the power and confidence of knowing you can improve your body beyond your wildest dreams whenever you choose to.

Scott Abbett taking the Polygraph Test

Want Proof that I’ve Never Used Steroids or Other Bodybuilding Drugs?

Just Click the Link below to Access my Polygraph Test Report

Polygraph Test for Steroids

Get One-on-One Bodybuilding and Fitness Training that makes Muscle Gains and Fat Loss go into Auto-Pilot

You are probably a highly driven, success-oriented type of person. Why do I guess that? Because you’re still reading this. You and I are cut from the same mold; we love tangible results and we hate wasting our time. We want to squeeze out maximum benefits for every bit of time and effort we put into something.

When you get an exclusive personal trainer who has the unique ability to synergistically combine mental and physical training – your positive results can skyrocket. You will not only appear and feel better when you look in the mirror – you will feel more of that powerful control over your life. It will remind you that:

“You can achieve anything if you really want to. You simply need a coach with the right information and motivational methods for helping you make it happen.

As my personal client, you will be privy to my proprietary and exclusive system of combining physical training with mental training. This will help send your progress into auto-pilot.

That’s not all: You will also get sessions of mental training that will effortlessly crank up your motivation. Imagine what that could do for you. We can apply these techniques just in the realm of fitness. Or you and I can do some bonus sessions in any other area you’d like to work on – such as career.

"I just thought I'd let you know that in less than 3 weeks, my body is already changing shape for the better!

I'm getting close to the 6-pack abs that were my original goal. I'm stronger in the gym as well!

In fact, I'll have to raise squat weight by 20 pounds from last session because I was simply breezing through all the sets and reps that had once been an obstacle. By the same token, I had to raise my weight for chest, arms, and shoulders (after a 2-month long plateau).

I'm impressed by the fact that when I now exercise a muscle group, only the targeted muscles are sore the next day, and nothing else. In a couple of months, I may have to send that after photo after all!"

Peter Losh
Glendale, CA

Why this Unique and Powerful Mental Training is the Missing Key to the Body You’ve Always Wanted

Want some solid evidence that your mind is the key to your better body?

Great… think about this for a moment: Have you ever used bodybuilding or fat loss supplements? If you have, you’re probably familiar with a common occurrence.  These products work for a short period of time – then they stop working. In the case of useless supplements with ineffective ingredients, they often never work again.

But why did they “work” for a little while?

The answer: “The Placebo Effect.”; when we ‘believe’ a product will work for us, the power of our subconscious mind makes it happen. We perform better while the belief remains intact. This is the power the mind has over the body.

Imagine the POWER you’ll have when you harness and use your subconscious in every workout you do.

Here is just a fraction of what you will gain from a “block” of my fitness training sessions:

  • The power to never waste time with your workouts; every moment in the gym goes toward creating your more muscular and lean body.

  • A precision method of knowing how much intensity to put in to your workouts (Surprise – you aren’t supposed to train as hard as you can).

  • The secret to workout scheduling that will ensure you’re motivated and raring to get in the gym on your workout day.

  • A powerful mental technique that can erase any negative emotions you’ve had about your body shape in the past (say goodbye to “workout self-consciousness”).

  • Powerful mental training sessions that will teach you to focus like a laser beam on your sets and reps for maximum progress.

  • The system of training that defies age – you can get stronger as you get older (but only if you follow unconventional wisdom).

  • Simple mental training techniques that will make ‘lean eating habits’ a piece of cake for you (no pun intended).

  • Custom training schedules that are based on your body’s unique feedback – not on some generic routine that’s most convenient to the personal trainer.

  • A precision training system utilizing what I call ‘micro-feedback’ to build your body’s musculature in a systematic and reliable way.

  • The simple yet powerful step we can take before you ever set foot in a gym (or your home workout equipment) that will send your motivation level up about 5 or 6 notches.

  • A powerful NLP technique that will give you extreme confidence during resistance training (weight lifting).

  • The little-known reason that you might need to spend less time in the gym than you currently do and more time closing your eyes and relaxing in order to get a lean, muscular, powerful body.

  • A simple way to incorporate a little-used tool during workouts. If your current or past personal trainers were not using this tool – they were ripping you off (plain and simple).

  • Why working out with maximum intensity is just as detrimental to progress as working out without enough. I’ll show you how to work out with just the right amount of intensity to make ongoing and exciting progress.

  • Why trying to “get a good workout” is a nearly useless quest in building a nice body – and how aiming for ‘Successful Workouts’ is the key to getting a body that grows more muscular and shapely with age.

"I'm making progress like I was 20 instead of 50!

Scott, I have enjoyed your insights and this is the 1st time I have made steady, ever increasing progress, and I could not be more thrilled. Thanks for the information and encouragement."

John Thomas
Asheville, NC

Finally, Muscle Building and Fat Loss Training that will actually produce Measurable, Exciting, and Lasting Results for You

If you’re looking for boring and predictable ‘personal fitness training’ meted out by a “professional repetition counter”, then I’m not for you.

If you want the same ho-hum results attainable with the cookie-cutter advice these trainers are dispensing – then you should probably go to them.

If you simply want generic fitness instruction that’s lacking all the untapped potential you can get with mental/motivational training – then call on someone else.

On the other hand: If you’re sick of mediocrity and you’re ready for an elite, customized, cutting-edge experience that cleverly combines mind and muscle – look no further. When you’re ready to use powerful mental techniques that will have you performing like an athlete in your quest for a better body – you’ve found the source. If you desire to tap into your deepest body enhancement potential and then have that experience benefit you for a lifetime – you’ve come to the right place.

You Cannot Find this type of Elite Personal Fitness Training Anywhere Else

“Why?”… That’s a good question that you should be asking.

The answer is that nobody has the cutting-edge credentials, long-time background, and extreme practical experience that I can provide you.

When I was young, I went through Basic U.S Navy SEAL Training two times. It is the most physically demanding and exhaustingly arduous training in the world.

Why’d I do it twice?

‘Coz I got so banged up and injured the first time, I had to start over and do what most Navy SEALS have never done – complete ‘Hell Week’ twice. This was an evolution that had 75% voluntary attrition.

“What does this mean to you?”

It means I know a lot about motivation first-hand. When this practical background in “extreme fitness” is combined with my certifications in ‘Sport’s Mental Training’, NLP, and a quarter century of experience in natural bodybuilding – I’ve got the goods to deliver.

"I have received my book from you and have almost finished it. First, let me congratulate you, it is fantastic. It's far above any others I have read, and I have read and bought many in my 50 + years of training and interest in bodybuilding. You sure know your stuff.....Well done!!!!"

Ron Kehoe
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

But that’s not all: I’ve also been fat and out of shape. I was once addicted to food and carrying 50 pounds of blubber. So I’ve been on both sides of the fitness fence so-to-speak; in elite condition and in terrible shape. This can benefit you incredibly. You can rest assured that there’s something in my grab-bag of knowledge that can get you on the fast-track toward your dream body.

Frankly, I’m not willing to take just anyone as my client. It might sound elitist – but my time and expertise are more valuable than that. I am very choosy about who gets on my personal client list because I only work with people who are serious about improving their results. I work with high performance people – or those who’ve resolved to become that type.

I’m also not cheap. Let’s get that out of the way right now. In fact, I’m an expensive trainer. But for those who can afford me – the experience is a definite return-on-investment by way of a markedly better body and a stronger mind.

In fact, here’s my philosophy: If you’re not far better off after I’ve been your personal trainer – then I haven’t done my job and I don’t deserve your payments. My job is to help you become a master at training your own mind and body – not to make you dependent on me as a lifetime gym partner.

What makes my time and expertise so valuable? Is it because I have a certification in fitness training?

No… not by a long shot. Those mundane certifications are a dime a dozen. Oh… I have one – but it’s not where I’ve gotten my most guarded knowledge about natural bodybuilding and mental training. That’s been gained in the trenches. It’s been acquired through thousands of hours of trial and error.

It’s what many refer to as “Street-Smarts”: and it’s this incredibly unique mind and body strengthening knowledge that I will share with YOU.

Here’s how Your Incredible ‘HardBody Success’ Personal Body Transformation Sessions will Begin

First, we clarify what your goals are as I fill out vital information about what you want for your body. Do you want to…

  • Pack on Powerful and Shapely Muscle

  • Burn off unwanted body fat

  • Strengthen Your Body for Sports

  • Develop and KEEP Better habits for a Stronger and Healthier Body

  • Improve Energy and Endurance

  • Create a Stronger Mind/Body Connection

  • Utilize Powerful Mental Training Sessions that will benefit all areas of Your Life

Once we have this clear, we take a look at what you’ve tried in the past. Maybe you’ve been working out – or maybe you’ve never touched a weight in your life. Some of my clients have worked out in years past, but simply lost motivation. Some have neglected their bodies. It doesn’t matter; we simply find out where you are so we can create a map to where you want to go.

Then… I create a strategy of customized mental and physical training that’s exclusively for YOU. This will be something all your own – NOT a one-size-fits-all generic routine that gets you nowhere.

How Your Success Rate can Improve by 30% to 50% in
Everything You Do

When we instill in you the habit of going for ‘successful workouts’ rather than “good workouts”, it can spill over into everything you do. You will become more objectively sensitive to feedback. You will more clearly see how your daily actions add up to create your long-term outcomes. All of us need that. And bodybuilding becomes exciting when it not only leads you to this discovery – but makes it part of your subconscious thoughts.

You’ll see where you can work smarter instead of harder in other areas of your life. You’ll see how cutting-edge mental training can enhance those areas too. That’s powerful! That’s exciting! And you don’t get it from most other trainers out there. You can’t get it from the generic and universal routine at a “fitness bootcamp.”

“I like your ideas and you CAN’T have it back! It’s really good!

I received your material and have done about four cycles on the program so far. I am having a LOT LESS joint pain with your instructions incorporating proper rest than I was following somebody else's program that was starting to really wear on my various body parts. Your program is very scientific and progressive, providing long-term direction. "

Owen Jasek
La Grange, IL

Thousands are Discovering Secrets from My Book – YOU will
Get the Nuanced Detail of One-On-One Attention

HardBody SuccessMy book, ‘HardBody Success’, is fast-becoming a best seller on the Internet. People from all over the world are finally making the fitness and bodybuilding gains they’ve always wanted by discovering its unique content. And they’re only getting an abridged version of what you will get with my personal, focused, and careful one-on-one attention.

Because you live in Southern California, you can have the personal training sessions that make the methods of the book come alive with personal customization. You can join my exclusive and limited roster of clients who are getting both their minds and bodies into powerful and elite condition.

To get started on this exciting journey of achieving both your dream body and a sharper mind, simply fill out the ‘no obligation’ entry form below. Enter your name, email, general location, and any questions you have. I will personally answer your questions via email and send you a powerful FREE report just for taking time to inquire.

This FREE information will help you achieve more progress in the gym than most bodybuilding supplements ever will… so grab your copy. Remember –

There’s Absolutely NO Obligation


Street Smart Fitness Company • 5519 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, Suite 250 • San Diego, CA 92117
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